This week we are exploring references in other literary genres of some of the themes and characters to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. So far, we've found several song lyrics, other books, and even newspaper articles. 
Remember circle time? We still enjoy it here in 8th grade, as you can see the class gives it a thumbs up! This is where we share our writing, discuss literature, and have class meetings.
Hooray! It rained today! As we were writing our Mark Twain tweets, we heard the clap of thunder. We could hardly believe our ears, so we went outside to investigate.
After 3 weeks of independent reading AR top genres read are romance and fantasy. Most of these were our "thumbs down" genres, but many of discovered we loved our thumbs down choice (though some have said they are ready to definitely change genres) and are continuing to read more.
These are the essential questions for our classroom this year. As we explore literature, public speaking, dramatic performance, and writing, these questions are continually referenced.
We are writing tweets in the voice of Mark Twain today. Inspired by his biography of great adventures in the wild west, his childhood in Hannibal, MO, and his world lecture tours, we are imagining what Samuel Clemens would say if he had a Twitter account.